Thursday, October 27, 2022

Music Classes for People with Down Syndrome |

Music Classes for People with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's!
While the title “Special Needs” does not begin to cover all the many different sorts of labels that currently exist for people, it is a very useful umbrella.

Music Classes for Autism |

Music Classes for Autism | Sing-play classes for children
Music touches us in profound ways, and while many of us enjoy listening to music, it is the activity of making music that has the most powerful effect on our wellbeing.

Alexander Technique Lessons for Pain Management |

Alexander Technique Lessons for Pain Management!Alexander Technique to Improve Balance and Coordination
The Alexander Technique gives you a way to better understand how your body works. 

Award Winning Music Teacher |

For instance, if a child starts playing a musical instrument before the age of seven their neurons are likely to show a strong connection between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

How making music can help people living with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

Music touches us in profound ways, and while many of us enjoy listening to music, it is the activity of making music that has the most powerful effect on our wellbeing. The Sing-Play approach makes learning how to do this an easy and rewarding experience. We have so much music inside of us just waiting to come out.

Most adults currently living with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s will have grown up in a significantly more active musical environment. Many more people were engaged in music making, in their local communities, through participation in local orchestras, chorus, church choirs, as well as playing in dance bands. Despite having Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, they will possess a huge reservoir of music that they have heard which makes it very easy to develop.

Read More About: American Society for the Alexander Technique  Alexander Technique Lessons for Pain Management  Find An Alexander Technique Teacher New York 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

AT for Pain Management

Back pain is a common condition managed in primary care and one of the commonest causes of disability in Western societies. Drugs and surgery are the traditional methods to deal with pain.

For over a hundred years lessons in the Alexander Technique have taught students how to activate the principles that govern human functioning. The genius of Alexander’s discoveries, is that we all can learn as adults how to recapture the ease and freedom of movement so beautifully demonstrated by young children.

Lessons in the Alexander Technique are very frequently used for Pain Management. Going beyond regular treatments for physical problems, students gain long term relief from such aliments as:

  • Back and neck problems
  • Repetitive Strain Injuries
  • Scoliosis

It can be used to accelerate recovery from surgery or injuries caused by accidents. Alexander Technique works holistically. It not only helps alleviate physical suffering but can also help to improve overall health, both physically and psychologically.

Read More About:  Sing-play classes for children  Music And Wellness Workshops  Alexander Technique to Improve Balance and Coordination

Special Needs

While the title “Special Needs” does not begin to cover all the many different sorts of labels that currently exist for people, it is a very useful umbrella. Having a music therapy degree as well as thirty years of teaching experience, I have developed many ways to help these people engage in music-making that is deeply rewarding for them.

A major requirement is to suspend all the usual criteria for musical excellence, ie sings on the pitch, remembers the words and rhythm accurately, practices regularly, and is continually getting better.

I believe that we all love music, but many of us have lost that love along the way, often in very sad ways.  People who have “Special Needs” have a very strong and obvious love of music, and the challenge is to find ways in which they can learn to make music themselves.

While listening to music may be fun, it is the act of making music that is the most therapeutic and therefore meaningful. It becomes something that they can do, instead of the opposite. So Christmas day 2020 was profoundly highlighted for me by two of my long time students with Special Needs wanting their music lessons because Friday is one of the two days a week that they do music.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

How to Learn Tennis, Cookery, Piano and the Alexander Technique in Six Easy Lessons

The benefit of instruction…

The idea may be effective as a marketing strategy, but have you ever heard anyone play piano after their sixth lesson? In reality nothing is learned that quickly – except perhaps how to bake a cake. Yet even a chef would say that the cookery class shows you the basic techniques, but from that point on it’s a matter of practice, a matter of baking the same Victoria sponge a few thousand times before you’ll be performing reliably in the kitchen.

Learning tennis can also be described in a half dozen moves equivalent to the methods of baking. The ball may be sent across the court by a forehand, a backhand, a serve, a volley or a lob. But only a facile assessment by means of those prevalent reductions called “competencies” would be so daft as to pronounce the pupil a tennis player after a brief course of lessons encompassing the moves. Nor would we recommend that after being shown the procedures, the apprentice should simply continue practicing. Building the skill of ball placement needs guided rehearsals over many years. Wimbledon pros retain their trainers. And if Ian Thorpe needs a coach to guide him through the water, then we can all use a pair of good Alexander Technique hands to continuously refresh our manner of use.

Read More About: American Society for the Alexander Technique Alexander Technique Lessons for Pain Managemet Find An Alexander Technique Teacher New York

Friday, October 14, 2022

Alexander Technique to Improve Balance and Coordination | Judith Muir

You know millions of people today really want to improve the way they look, and as a result spend a lot of money on their clothes, cosmetics and at salons. Yet, most people would agree that one of the most attractive qualities of a person is the way they sit, stand and move – or in other words, their posture.

However, Alexander Technique can help you to achieve good posture as you learn new ways of sitting, standing, breathing, and moving that reduce stress on your body and in turn, will allow you to perform all your daily activities with greater ease and efficiency.

Alexander technique lessons provide students a supportive environment where they can explore what works and what doesn’t work — and why. As they regain a healthy, upright posture they can not only improve their breathing but also become increasingly free to choose their own responses. More and more often, those responses are conscious, well-informed choices instead of subconscious habits. And their choices revolve around improving their posture to improve their breathing and improve their quality of life.

Why not try this out for yourself by enrolling alexander lesson today??
Phone Number: (845) 677 5871
Address: 60 Eddy Road, Verbank, NY 12585

installing some elaborate inspection equipment | Ingenious Drones

installing some elaborate inspection equipment | Ingenious Drones A drone is mostly utilized in the construction sector for surveying and i...